Volunteer Opportunities
We need your help! Please consider volunteering in one of the following ways. Parent and student help is ALWAYS APPRECIATED!!
Team Liaison
Every team at NHS needs a parent liaison to work with the coach and communicate the team’s needs and activities to the Boosters. The liaison will stay in touch with the coaching staff and bring the needs of the team to the Boosters, work with the Boosters Communication Coordinator to promote team activities, and attend monthly Boosters’ meetings during the season.
Concessions at the Clipper Community Complex
We are fortunate to have a fantastic concession stand that generates significant revenue for Boosters to support NHS athletic programs. We need parent volunteers to help out in concessions for fall and spring events.
Volunteer to help the Boosters engage local businesses or families in sponsorship opportunities. We need help creating and maintaining sponsorship marketing material and reaching out to businesses for sign sponsorship or to sponsor a Boosters’ event.